Request Lecturer Form


Please provide your contact information, select up to three Ocean Discovery Lectures that you are interested in hosting, and provide proposed dates for the lecture.


Please contact James Spencer ( if you have any questions.

Your Contact Information

Isla Castañeda

Terrestrial molecules in ocean sediments: Lipids of soil bacteria and land plants reveal past continental climate variability


Ann Dunlea

What controls the long-term trajectory of Earth’s climate and ocean chemistry?


Gregory Moore

Hows and whys of great earthquakes and tsunamis: New understanding from recent IODP drilling


Donna Shillington 

Active faulting and environmental change in young rifts


Andreas Teske

From Magma to Microbe: The deep hot biosphere of Guaymas Basin


Sonia Tikoo

Probing Earth’s seafloor to understand space: impact craters, plumes, and true polar wander

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