When a call for applications is open, please review the following list of materials, then go to the USSSP Application Portal to submit an online application to participate. CVs, participation plans, and budgets should be prepared as separate documents, to be uploaded through the USSSP Application Portal.

Scientists are encouraged to apply for more than one expedition; however a separate application is required for each expedition. More detailed information about participating on scientific ocean drilling expeditions is available through the science operators – e.g., for IODP3/NSF Expedition 501, visit the expedition website page to find out more.

Submit an Application


Application Materials

1.  Application Form: The online application requests basic information about the applicant, including specific interest in an expedition, and area/s of expertise.

2.  Curriculum Vitae: The CV should be of reasonable length (two-to-five pages) and should include educational history (degrees and dates awarded), employment experience (including any internships), and any authored or co-authored journal articles, abstracts, or other publications related to the proposed research.

3.  Participation Plan: Much of the time at sea will be devoted to collecting scientific data and preparing reports and initial interpretations (see responsibilities of shipboard scientists). Science party members are also obligated to conduct post-expedition research on samples and/or data collected on the expedition and publish the results. The applicant should prepare two to three pages outlining the analyses or research proposed for the 12-month moratorium period following the expedition (when the science party has exclusive access to expedition samples and data) and explaining how this work relates to the expedition objectives. Please focus your text primarily on expedition-related research plans rather than past research or achievements. The contents and quality of the participation plan, excluding the budget, will factor into the staffing decisions. Successful applicants will have the opportunity to revise their participation plans in light of recovered samples and expedition outcomes.

4.  Preliminary Budget (for post-expedition research): The applicant should prepare a preliminary budget for post-expedition research excluding any salary or travel associated with the expedition itself. The budget may be up to $20,000 and should delineate major work categories (e.g., post-expedition salary, supplies, analytical costs), including the institution’s overhead rate. USSSP will consider informal budgets in the application, pending a formal budget to be submitted through an authorized representative of the applicant’s institution after the expedition.

5.  Faculty Adviser Recommendation: Applications from  students require a letter from their primary adviser documenting the student’s scientific experience and detailing how participation on the cruise would fit into their graduate degree program. The online application process will include an electronic request to the primary advisor with instructions for submitting a letter of recommendation. Students and/or advisors should also include information regarding the student’s planned academic affiliation and access to research facilities during the 12-month moratorium period.

6.  Demographic information Form: This is a required online form. Information may be shared with reviewers. If you do not wish to disclose any of the information (excluding your name), please check the appropriate box.


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