Charting the Future Course of Scientific Ocean Drilling (CHART)
February 2, 2009 – March 13, 2009 – Online
Convener: USSSP

The CHART Workshop was a six-week on-line meeting to gather input from the U.S. science community regarding future research directions of scientific ocean drilling. The CHART meeting had six discussion boards, each with initial questions intended to stimulate discussion on current emerging fields, unanswered research questions, implementation strategies, and potential future directions for the next scientific drilling program. The workshop report summaries these discussions and presents a vision for the new science plan.
Workshop Report (pdf)
Steering Committee
Christina Ravelo (Chair), University of California, Santa Cruz
Brandon Dugan, Rice University
Bob Duncan, Oregon State University
Katrina Edwards, University of Southern California
Sean Gulick, University of Texas at Austin
Gabriel Filippelli, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis
Andrew Fisher, University of California, Santa Cruz
Clive Neal, University of Notre Dame
Demian Saffer, Pennsylvania State University
Dale Sawyer, Rice University
Mitch Schulte, University of Missouri-Columbia
Christina Ravelo, University of California, Santa Cruz
USSSP Office, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory