Scientific Drilling in the South Atlantic: Rio Grande Rise, Walvis Ridge, and Surrounding Areas
April 2-4, 2014 – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Convener: William Sager

The workshop “Scientific Drilling in the South Atlantic: Rio Grande Rise, Walvis Ridge, and Surrounding Areas” will present the recent knowledge on the evolution of the South Atlantic crust and mantle. The Rio Grande Rise as part of the South Atlantic crust is of special geological and technological interest. New scientific research and seismic data will be presented and the interpretation discussed. Based on the presentations an International Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) proposal to drill the South Atlantic crust with particular focus on the Rio Grande Ridge, Walvis Ridge, and surrounding areas will be prepared following the workshop.
Workshop Website
Workshop Report in Eos (pdf 41kb)
Final Workshop Report (pdf 2.5mb)