U.S.-affiliated scientists who participate in the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) may receive limited supplemental funding for post-expedition activities through the U.S. Science Support Program (USSSP). Post-expedition activity (PEA) awards are intended to help participants defray the costs associated with fulfilling their obligation to submit and publish the scientific results of their expedition-related research in the open literature or in IODP publications. PEA awards typically provide modest resources for short-term core characterization efforts or for pilot studies aimed at identifying promising avenues for future research. Funds are awarded on a competitive basis, and each eligible scientist may receive up to $20,000.


Eligibility for PEA awards extends only to those who participated on an IODP expedition as a U.S. science party member and who remain formally and primarily affiliated with a U.S. organization as an employee or student (not as a short-term visitor or self-employed contractor). Proposals from shore-based members of the science party require strong written endorsement from one of the co-chief scientists explaining the critical importance of the proposed work to the expedition objectives and why none of the shipboard scientists can do such work. Schlanger Fellowship recipients may apply for post-expedition activity funds only if their proposal differs significantly from the work proposed for the fellowship, and they must explicitly state their fellowship status in the proposal and briefly describe the fellowship research. USSSP will not consider proposals from scientists who participated as members of the scientific party from other IODP member countries.

To Submit a PEA Proposal


Please review the following list of required materials, then go to the USSSP Application Portal to submit a proposal.

  1. PEA Proposal Cover Sheet: A completed, signed cover sheet is required for proposal submission. Official institutional approvals must be included on all PEA proposal cover sheets. The cover sheet can be downloaded here or from the USSSP Application Portal and filled in offline; then, the completed, signed document can be uploaded during the online submission process. Click here for an example cover sheet.
  2. Application: A one-page online form requesting basic contact information for the lead proponent on the proposal.
  3. Statement of Work: Maximum of three pages (including text, figures, and references) explaining the science rationale, proposed post-expedition workplan, and how the work relates to the scientific objectives of the expedition and to studies proposed by other members of the scientific party. Do not propose to analyze more samples/data than can be completed with the PEA funds available. Identify access to facilities/instruments needed to conduct proposed analyses.
  4. Budget and Budget Justification: A budget (table) and an explanatory justification statement are required. The total budget must not exceed $20,000, including institutional overhead.  As the nature and extent of the proposed work may vary widely, USSSP will decide on allowable costs. Click here for an example budget and justification. Acceptable examples include:
        • Investigator salary
        • Analytical services
        • Preparation of thin sections
        • Material costs for certain projects
        • Instrument time such as SEM or microprobe
        • Chemical analyses that are not routinely available through IODP
        • Shipping costs, for samples sent to other labs/facilities/colleagues for PEA-related analyses or for return shipping large samples to an IODP core repository
        • Reduction and analysis of underway and drill site geophysical data
        • Technician, research assistant, or student costs, to the extent that these services are required to complete work for proposed PEA research
        • Travel (domestic) to access other facilities/instruments and generate new data, if necessary to complete the proposed PEA research
        • Publication costs (manuscripts must be accepted for publication within the period of performance for the PEA award)

Unacceptable examples include:

          • Support for any activity extending beyond completion of the PI’s PEA obligations
          • Purchase of computer or other major/minor equipment
          • General office supplies
          • General (non-project-specific) software subscription costs (Adobe, Dropbox, etc.)
          • Annual professional dues
          • Travel to regularly scheduled IODP post-expedition meetings
          • Travel to regularly scheduled IODP post-expedition meetings
          • Travel to collect additional shipboard science party data (e.g., to XRF scanning party)
          • Travel to major meetings such as AGU, GSA, etc.
          • Travel on a PEA advance

        Note that USSSP will administer all approved travel funds directly; hence, the total costs specified on the cover sheet and administered by the investigator’s institution should not include any requested travel funding. Applicants should specify requested travel funds separately on the budget page. PEA advances cannot be used for travel.

        If an applicant has already requested and received a post-expedition activity (PEA) award advance, the budget justification should include a statement to that effect. If travel expenses are included in the PEA budget, the statement should include a break-out of those expenses, as travel funds are administered by the USSSP Office separately from the rest of the PEA award. An example statement:

            • The total budget for the proposed work is $20,000. $2,000 will be used toward travel expenses, which will be directly administered by the USSSP Office. I have received a $3,000 advance on a post-expedition activity (PEA) award and am now requesting $15,000 in funding to complete the proposed work.
    • Prior and Current Funding: A brief abstract, including references, describing results of any prior post-expedition research funded by USSSP and a brief summary of other relevant current support.
    • Curriculum Vitae: Two-page CV, should include educational history (degrees and dates awarded), employment experience (including any internships), and any authored or co-authored journal articles, abstracts, or other publications related to the proposed research.
    • Demographic Information Form: Information may be shared with reviewers. If you do not wish to provide this information (excluding your name), please check the appropriate box.
    • Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement

All post-expedition activity (PEA) proposals should be submitted through the online USSSP Application Portal.

If for administrative reasons an eligible science party member, such as a graduate student, must submit his or her proposal through a surrogate staff member, they should explain these circumstances in a brief statement at the beginning of the proposal. Two or more applicants from different institutions may submit a joint proposal when a combined effort seems appropriate. Such proposals must clearly indicate what parts of the proposed project each applicant will conduct, and the budget must show the costs ascribed to each participating institution as well as the total cost of the proposed project. If approved for funding, USSSP will issue separate awards to each institution to minimize indirect costs.

Once complete, a proposal package goes forward to a review panel familiar with the expedition’s scientific goals. The package will also contain additional supporting information from the expedition to help reviewers evaluate the proposed research. USSSP anticipates announcing the awards within six to eight weeks after the proposal submission deadline.

Final Reports: A final report summarizing the post-cruise research conducted under a PEA award must be submitted to the USSSP Office when the award funds are 90% spent or at the completion of the PEA award period. Final reports should detail the work that has been completed under the PEA award, any results, and any publication citations (including conference abstracts, manuscripts, and publications). Reports may be brief (2-3 pages) and should be emailed to Angela Slagle.

Previous Shipboard Scientists and Funded Post-Expedition Awards

You may review a list of previous U.S.-based expedition participants for each IODP Expedition, as well as a list of funded post-expedition awards.


Contact usssp@ldeo.columbia.edu for more information.