Please provide your contact information, select up to three Ocean Discovery Lectures that you are interested in hosting, and provide proposed dates for the lecture.


Please contact James Spencer ( if you have any questions.

Your Contact Information

Isla Castañeda

Terrestrial molecules in ocean sediments: Lipids of soil bacteria and land plants reveal past continental climate variability


Ann Dunlea

What controls the long-term trajectory of Earth’s climate and ocean chemistry?


Gregory Moore

Hows and whys of great earthquakes and tsunamis: New understanding from recent IODP drilling


Donna Shillington 

Active faulting and environmental change in young rifts


Andreas Teske

From Magma to Microbe: The deep hot biosphere of Guaymas Basin


Sonia Tikoo

Probing Earth’s seafloor to understand space: impact craters, plumes, and true polar wander

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