Short Course on Shipboard Sedimentology: Data Collection, Interpretation, and Integration

Time: November 14-17, 2016
Location: College Station, Texas, USA
Course Instructors: Assoc. Prof. Joel E. Johnson, Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of New Hampshire & Prof. Kathleen Marsaglia, Dept. of Geological Sciences, California State University, Northridge
Deadline to Apply: August 31, 2016


Comprehensive shipboard core description and data integration of sedimentary units in the core description lab during IODP expeditions provide a fundamental framework for the science party as they work toward the expedition objectives. It is primarily during this shipboard time that the cores are systematically described and sampled, and the characteristics of the stratigraphy resolved and integrated with paleontological, paleomagnetic, physical property, geochemical, and seismic reflection data sets. This shipboard work provides the science team with a record of what the cores contain, where there are interesting occurrences and transitions in primary composition, depositional style as evidenced by sedimentary structures and bedding, and diagenetic mineralization.

This short course on shipboard sedimentology will emphasize marine sediment description, both macroscopically and microscopically, through determination of lithologic attributes during core description (e.g., color, texture, sedimentary structures, trace and other fossil content), as well as sediment composition through smear slide and coarse fraction petrography. We will also cover lithostratigraphic unit definition, preliminary interpretation, and, to some extent, integration of sedimentology data with other shipboard data sets.


The course will take place November 14-17, 2016 at the IODP Gulf Coast Repository in College Station, Texas. Graduate students, post-docs, and professionals that will or are planning to sail on future IODP expeditions are particularly encouraged to apply. The course will be geared toward training sedimentologists, but participants may also include paleontologists, paleomagnetists, geochemists, structural geologists, or physical properties scientists. Some previous experience with optical microscopy would be beneficial.

To apply for the Short Course:

  • Go to the USSSP Application Portal
  • Sign up for an account (or login to an existing account)
  • Click on “View Programs” (blue button); select the Short Course on Shipboard Sedimentology 2016 program; then click “Create Submission”. Your application will be created.
  • Complete the online application (including a two-page CV and a brief statement of interest) and demographics form, then click “Submit Application”.

Travel support will be provided for U.S.-affiliated scientists through USSSP. Limited travel support may also be available for international scientists through their IODP program member offices.

Space is limited and the deadline to apply is August 31, 2016.


Questions about applying for the Short Course? Contact Angela Slagle (USSSP).