Polar Marine Diatom Workshop
Time: August 6-10, 2018
Location: Milford, Iowa, USA (Iowa Lakeside Lab)
Organizing Committee: Beth Caissie (Iowa State University, USA), Reed Scherer (Northern Illinois University, USA), Jonathan Warnock (Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA), Leanne Armand (Australian National University, Australia), Maria Angeles Barcena (University of Salamanca, Spain), David Harwood (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA), Ric Jordan (Yamagata University, Japan), and Jenny Pike (Cardiff University, UK)
Workshop application period has closed.
Following the great successes of the  previous Polar Marine Diatom Workshops in Yamagata, Nebraska, Sydney, Cardiff, and Salamanca, the 6th Polar Marine Diatom Workshop will be held at the Iowa Lakeside Lab in Milford, Iowa, USA from August 6-10, 2018.
If you are interested in attending the workshop, please fill out a statement of interest here: https://goo.gl/forms/FIz0Uuw7jZlc895z1 by April 15.
Please save the date for the workshop, think about your travel plans, and tell your friends and colleagues! The Polar Marine Diatom Workshop is interactive with speakers bringing microscope slides for participants to examine and are excellent for the training and development of students and established researchers, alike. Nearly all participants are expected to either lead a microscope session or give a presentation on their research. Be prepared that we will ask for your ideas in the Statement of Interest.
Space is limited this year due to the space constraints of the Iowa Lakeside Lab. We aim to balance the geographic scope of participants as well as career level. Please get your Statement of Interest in soon in order to guarantee a space.
More information about the workshop, registration and accommodations can be found at http://polarmarinediatomworkshop.org/2018Iowa.html.
Contact Beth Caissie (bethc@iastate.edu) with any questions about the workshop.