The U.S. Science Support Program sponsors workshops to promote the development of new ideas related to the study of the Earth’s processes and history via scientific ocean drilling. The primary goal is to identify promising new scientific objectives and research opportunities. The workshop program encourages wide scientific community involvement to bring a broader and multidisciplinary approach to standing hypotheses and to explore new directions for scientific ocean drilling research and communication.

Workshop topics should be clearly relevant to the future of scientific ocean drilling, detailed in the 2050 Science Framework, Exploring Earth by Scientific Ocean Drilling. Workshops may focus on a specific scientific theme or geographic region; they may serve to develop drilling proposals for future target areas; or they may facilitate the synthesis and advancement of scientific results from past expeditions. Although proposals are not limited to these, successful proposals will clearly state how they will advance knowledge within the field of scientific ocean drilling.

USSSP welcomes proposals from applicants who would enhance diversity in the scientific ocean drilling community and STEM fields. USSSP is committed to a policy of broad participation and inclusion, and to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for all program participants and staff. The IODP Code of Conduct and IODP Anti-Harassment Policy apply to all participants in USSSP supported workshops.

Calls for new workshop proposals have been biannual, with submission deadlines typically in June and December.

Upcoming Workshops

Upcoming workshops available for participation:

  • Autonomous Investigation during Drilling (AID)
    January 15-17, 2025 – Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, USA
    Workshop coordinators: Richard Camilli, Lori Summa, Peter Vrolijk
    Application deadline: The application period is now closed.

Submit a Workshop Proposal


The next deadline for workshop proposals is December 4, 2024.   

Workshop proposals should focus on expected workshop deliverables and clearly articulate how the workshop will help advance the goals and priorities of the scientific ocean drilling community. The workshop’s target audience should also be described, as should the proposed method of participant recruitment, and the anticipated number of workshop participants. Proposal elements include:

1.  Workshop Proposal Cover Sheet: The proposal cover sheet requires budget information and signed authorization from the lead PI’s institution, and so should be completed prior to starting the online proposal submission.

2.  Application Form, with a title and short workshop summary (max. 200 words).

3. Workshop Proposal: The proposal should not exceed 10 pages, including figures and references, and should address:

a.  Scientific Motivation and Workshop Goals: Describe the motivation for the workshop, the topic’s relation to scientific ocean drilling, and specifically identify the workshop’s objectives and planned outcomes and deliverables.

b.  Workshop Format and Agenda: Describe the session topics, planned workshop format (presentations, posters, breakout groups, etc.), and schedule. Include a timeline for workshop deliverables.

c.  Participants: USSSP supported workshops are open to all participants, who should be selected through an open application process. Describe targeted participants (e.g., number of participants, disciplines desired or needed, number of early career researchers and those underrepresented in STEM fields). If your workshop will include groups who are not traditionally users of scientific ocean drilling data, what plans to do you have to sustain their interest and draw further on their expertise?

d.  DEI and Communications Plans: USSSP strongly supports thoughtful plans for diversity, equity, and inclusion in its activities. Identify plans for recruitment and engagement of underrepresented groups, those from diverse backgrounds, and early career researchers in this workshop. Describe anticipated broader impacts and assessment strategies.

e.  Travel and Location: Identify the planned workshop dates and location, with options as needed. Sponsored travel must be consistent with the USSSP Travel Policy.

f.  Budget and Budget Justification: Include a detailed budget (table) and budget justification (description). Budgets should be within $50,000 and consist primarily of participant support (direct cost estimates for participant travel, food, lodging, venue, etc.). USSSP workshop funds cannot cover field trips. To support increased participation, workshop proponents are encouraged to secure co-sponsorship and additional financial support from other sources, and to indicate these plans in their budget or workshop description.

g.  Summary of other relevant current support and prior work by lead proponent with scientific ocean drilling programs (max. 1 page).

4.  Curriculum Vitae: A two-page CV or NSF-style biosketch, for the proponent listed on the cover sheet.

5.  Demographic Information Form: Information may be shared with reviewers. If you do not wish to provide this information (excluding your name), please check the appropriate box.

6.  Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form

Workshop proposal PIs must have a primary affiliation with a U.S. institution or organization. Proposals should be submitted to the Workshops Program through the online USSSP Application Portal.


Workshop proposals will be evaluated competitively by USSSP, members of the U.S. Advisory Committee for Scientific Ocean Drilling (link), and external reviewers. Successful proposals will be thoughtfully conceived, carefully organized, clearly written, relevant to scientific ocean drilling priorities, impactful, and feasible in budget and scope.

We anticipate making funding decisions within three months following submission, with successfully proposed workshops starting between 5-12 months following notification.

Deliverables and Publications

Workshop products and deliverables should be submitted to USSSP or published within six months of the workshop. At minimum, a final report summarizing workshop motivation, discussions, and recommendations is required within six months of the workshop. The report should contain an executive summary; key workshop highlights, outcomes (both scientific and broader impacts), and recommendations; and a workshop agenda and list of participants. The report should be of moderate length (~35 pages) and be delivered as a PDF. The conveners may also be requested to develop a summary article for USSSP and should consider publishing results in scientific journals or online media.

Supplementary Workshop Participation

In addition to workshop funding, USSSP supports the participation of U.S. scientists in international scientific drilling related workshops. Proposals are accepted and evaluated on a rolling basis, but there is no dedicated call for proposals. A request should be submitted by a U.S.-affiliated scientist to Angela Slagle (, with a short proposal including the workshop’s aims, agenda, and setting. The request should also include: (1) a list of scientists from U.S. institutions to be supported, (2) their CVs, and (3) specific scientific motivations and contributions for each of the proposed participants to attend the workshop. USSSP encourages diversity among the invited participants, in terms of career level, gender, and institution. A letter of support from the organizer of the workshop is helpful, but not required. Supplemental workshop support will not not exceed $15,000 per workshop and funding is for travel support only.


Proponents are encouraged to discuss their ideas for workshops with the U.S. Science Support Program. Contact

Past Workshops

Past workshops have led to development of new technology and many successful scientific ocean drilling expeditions. View archived reports, articles, and other information here.