U.S. Science Support Program – International Ocean Discovery Program Workshop

IODP, Texas A&M, College Station, 9-11 May 2016

Monday 9 May (Room 110/111, Koldus Building, Texas A&M University)

Proposed IODP Antarctic and Southern Ocean drilling; common themes and overview of science plans.

9:00 Introduction to the ice and weather session (Trevor Williams)
9:15 A short history of past Antarctic scientific drilling (Frank Rack)
9:30 Introduction to the IODP proposal system (David Mallinson)
10:15 Presentations on Antarctic and Southern Ocean proposals at the JR Facility Board:

1:00 Updates on Antarctic and Southern Ocean drilling proposals:

2:30 Ice Sheet modeling (Rob DeConto)
3:00 Sea level and Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA) Jacky Austermann)
3:15 Carbon dioxide, temperature, and ice volume over the Cenozoic (Amelia Shevenell)
3:30 Discussion: Where to drill and which ages, events, and high-CO2 scenarios to target?

Tuesday 10 May (Room 110/111, Koldus Building, IODP-GCR))

Drilling in a harsh polar environment: sea ice, icebergs and weather assessment; planning for the unexpected.

9:00 Introduction to the ice and weather session (Trevor Williams)
9:15 Satellite imagery of ice conditions (Michael Cloutier, PGC)
9:45 Weather: forecasts of temperature, wind, and sea state; typical seasonal changes; available weather forecast and re-analysis products.

1:00 Five-minute presentations about each of the sets of sediment cores to be shown at the GCR in the afternoon:

  • Sites 272, 271 (Miocene-Pliocene Sea shelf) Examples of clast-rich silty clay, clast-free diatomite (MMCO age?), structureless mud. Relating to IODP-751, 839.
  • Site 270 (Oligocene-Miocene Ross Sea shelf). Examples of marine transgression, diamictite, shallow marine mudstone, glacial rythmites). Relating to IODP-751, 839.
  • Sites 1096 and 1101 (Pleistocene Peninsula continental rise sediment drifts). IncludingMIS interglacials 5,9,and 31. Relating to IODP-732.
  • Sites 1097 and 1103 (late Miocene-Pliocene Peninsula shelf). Examples of diamictites, proglacial debris flows, and ice-distal muds). Relating to IODP-751, 839.
  • Sites 1171 (S Tasman Rise) and 1218 (equatorial Pacific) Eocene-Oligocene transitions.
  • Site 689 (Eocene to Pliocene at Maud Rise) Antarctic ice sheet evolution through time.
  • Site U1361 (Wilkes Land continental rise) Pliocene sedimentary cycles – diatom-rich and silty clay alternations, ice-rafted debris, provenance for Wilkes subglacial basin.
  • Site 742 (Prydz Bay) Pliocene ice retreat in shelf sediments: diatomite and diamictite.
  • Micro paleontological examples from the IODP collection in the microscope room.
  • Sites 1098 and 1099 (Palmer Deep, Peninsula) Late-Pleistocene and Holocene Antarctic sediments showing ice retreat, calving bay facies, and laminations.
  • Site 1166 (Cretaceous-Eocene Prydz Bay shelf) Examples of organic and mica-rich siltstone, and pre-glacial unconformity. Relating to IODP-813.

Examination of Antarctic sediment cores in the Gulf Coast Core Repository.

3:00 Orientation to the IODP and GCR.

  • The sediment cores were organized into eleven stations (core tables), each focusing on a different Antarctic location or time interval. Groups will contain a mix of experienced and junior scientists. At each sediment core station, maps, seismic profile, data etc. provided the setting.

3:30 In parallel: breakout group to discuss the letter for the JOIDES Resolution Facility Board.
4:45 Introduction to how to make a good application for IODP expeditions (for students).

Wednesday 11 May (IODP / Gulf Coast Repository)

9:00 Guided examination of Antarctic sediment cores in the Gulf Core Repository.
10:45 Three breakout groups to facilitate discussion about Antarctic drilling and proposal strategy
1:00 Plenary session recap and wrap-up.
2:00 Tours of the Gulf Coast Repository core store and facilities; smear slide classes.
5:00 Meeting close.

Antarctic Workshop Participants